Samba Server on WVC80N Camera

Another feature on the WVC80N that triggers my curiosity is its Samba Server option. I've found this to be very very helpful especially if you want continues recording on your camera but your PC's hard drive capacity is hindering you. The concept here is to upload your videos directly to a Samba Server enabled device which is basically your NAS backup.

First, make sure that your camera is part of your network. Make sure that the camera settings like IP and DNS are correct.

Second, make sure that your NAS is properly configured. Shared Folders are created and try to upload files manually to your NAS to double check.

Here’s how to configure the settings on your camera.

Samba Server - this could be the IP Address or Domain Name of your Samba Server.

For this example, I utilize a regular storage device on my network that’s why the IP Address displayed is private.

Upload Path - this is the shared folder you created on your Samba Server and this will serve as the destination of your recorded videos.

Note: The upload path must start with a backslash (\).

Login Name and Password - this will serve as the authentication needed for a certain users to access the Samba Server/shared folder.

File Name Prefix - this is the default file name of the recorded video.

Next, after you successful configure the settings, access the shared folder you created on your Samba Server and noticed an AVI file with a WVC80N prefix. Notice that the size of the file is growing as the recording continues.

Posted on 2:56 AM by Edmar Padayhag and filed under , , | 0 Comments »
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